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时间:2023-12-29作者: 审核: 来源:tyc3556太阳集团城网址点击:321

报告题目:CEO childhood trauma, social networks, and strategic risk taking



报告时间:2023年12月30日 14:30-16:30



Childhood trauma has been recognized as an important aspect of an individual’s early life experiences. However, in research on the upper echelons of organizations, the impact of childhood trauma exposure on CEOs’ strategic decision‐making is not well understood. By integrating child trauma theory and upper echelons theory, we develop a framework for exploring how CEO childhood trauma influences strategic risk taking. We suggest that CEO childhood trauma has a negative exponential association with strategic risk taking because of the long‐term effects of post‐traumatic stress (PTS). In addition, we propose that moderating effects of social networks on the effects of PTS arising from CEO childhood trauma are driven by the two competing functions of social networks: social support and social pressure. We use data on China’s Great Famine to test our theory. By examining CEO childhood trauma and strategic risk taking, our study has important implications for child trauma theory and upper echelons theory.


同济大学,tyc3556太阳集团城网址副研究员,长期致力于对企业数字化、企业国际化、可持续发展战略、组织合法性、社会网络等问题的研究。近年来,田龙伟在国际著名期刊Journal of International Business Studies(UTD24)、Leadership Quarterly(中科院一区)、Technovation(中科院一区)、Management & Organization Review、Asia Pacific Journal Management等国际著名期刊上发表学术论文20余篇。同时,主持并完成上海科委软科学项目1项,中央基础科研项目1项。



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