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时间:2023-12-27作者: 审核: 来源:tyc3556太阳集团城网址点击:282

报告题目:Evacuation and Safety Training Case Studies from New Zealand and USA


报告人:Ruggiero Lovreglio(新西兰梅西大学)

报告时间:2024年1月2日 15:00-17:00



This presentation will provide two modules. In the first module, Dr Rino will provide an overview of how XR technologies can be used for evacuation investigation and safety training. This module will show how these technologies can be used (a) to design evacuation systems, (b) to investigate exit and route choice and pedestrian dynamics and (c) to enhance safety training effectiveness. In the second module, Dr Rino will show some building evacuations using CCTV systems and wildfire evacuation investigations using GPS data. This module will show how existing data can be used to enhance our understanding of human behavior in disasters.


Dr Ruggiero Lovreglio (known as Rino) is an Associate Professor at the School of Built Environment at Massey University (New Zealand). He is also a Rutherford Discovery Fellow for Royal Society of New Zealand. Dr Rino's research focuses on evacuation dynamics in building disasters and large-scale disasters such as building fires, earthquakes, wildfires and floods. His research also focuses on the use of XR technologies to enhance safety training. His work has been published in over 70 peer-reviewed journal articles including a letter in Science.



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