时间:2023-06-08(星期四) 14:30-16:30
报告人: 殷云露
时间:2023-06-08 15:50-16:30
殷云露,复旦大学管理学院市场营销系青年副研究员。他在香港大学获得市场营销博士学位。通过采用跨学科方法,包括实验室和现场实验、大规模数字跟踪数据的实证分析以及神经认知工具,他重点研究1)感官和媒体营销的认知基础,以及2)消费的生物学动因。他的研究发表在各类知名期刊上,如Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Neuroimage, eLife等。
People’s schedules are jointly determined by their biological clock and social clock. However, their social clock often deviates from the biological clock (e.g., having to get up earlier than one’s natural wake-up time for work or study, having to stay up to work night shifts or meet a project deadline)—a phenomenon known as “social jetlag.” How does social jetlag impact consumer behavior? Using field data and experiments, we show that social jetlag decreases conspicuous consumption because consumers experiencing social jetlag are less interested in social interaction. This effect is weakened when social interaction occurs among familiar others rather than strangers, when conspicuous consumption does not draw social attention, and when consumers expect to use a luxury product in a private setting.
2)报告题目:Racial Discrimination and Anti-Discrimination: The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Chinese Restaurants in North America
时间:2023-06-08(星期四) 14:30——15:10
李少波,南方科技大学商学院副研究员,博士生导师。他在新加坡南洋理工大学获得企业管理(市场营销方向)博士学位。他的主要研究领域是数字化消费、品牌策略和跨文化营销。他目前担任Journal of Business Research编委会成员和众多杂志的匿名审稿人。他的论文发表于Journal of Consumer Research, 和Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes等商科顶尖期刊上。研究曾获得Academy of Marketing Science全球最佳博士论文提案奖和中国营销科学学术年会优秀论文奖。目前主持国家自然科学基金和广东省自然科学基金等多项科研项目。他曾获南方科技大学青年教师教学竞赛特等奖,南方科技大学教学成果奖,和南洋商学院最佳研究生教学奖。
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in cases of racial discrimination against Asians, especially Chinese. Despite an emerging stream of studies investigating various aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, research on behavioral consequences of racial discrimination during the pandemic remains scarce. In this work, we examined how racial discrimination stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent anti-discrimination was manifested in Chinese restaurants in the U.S. and Canada. Combining two online controlled experiments and difference-in-differences analyses on two large-scale panel datasets from Yelp.com and SafeGraph, we explored the impact of COVID-19 on Chinese restaurants, relative to non-Chinese restaurants, at different phases of the COVID-19 pandemic. We found that the COVID-19 pandemic indeed led to an immediate increase in racial discrimination, which was reflected in a significant drop in customer patronage frequency of Chinese restaurants compared to that of non-Chinese restaurants. Furthermore, we constructed multiple behavioral indicators of anti-discrimination by leveraging text mining and machine learning techniques. Our results consistently suggested that the increase in racial discrimination further triggered customers’ anti-discrimination actions after the COVID-19 outbreak. This study contributes to the literature on racial discrimination by investigating a subtle but more factual form of racial discrimination evinced by customer patronage of Chinese restaurants, as well as the subsequent actions people undertake to fight such discrimination.
3)报告题目:Willpower and Creativity: Self-Control Exertion Promotes Divergent Thinking
报告人: 田鼎
田鼎,现任上海财经大学商学院副教授,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学市场营销学博士。主要研究方向为数字营销、消费者心理与决策、消费者自控力、消费者创造力、消费仪式等。主持国家自然科学基金等项目,曾在Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of International Consumer Marketing等国际知名期刊上发表论文多篇。
The ability to generate creative ideas is an essential skill for both individuals and firms. This research examines how the exertion of self-control affects creativity. Whereas self-control exertion typically has undesirable downstream consequences, the authors propose that it can actually be beneficial in the domain of creativity. They theorize that the act of exerting self-control enhances creativity in the form of divergent thinking, and that it does so by compromising inhibitory control and, in turn, promoting cognitive flexibility. Converging evidence from 12 studies provides support for this theorizing. It also reveals that the creativity-enhancing effect of self-control exertion vanishes in the presence of externally imposed constraints that obstruct the cognitive-flexibility pathway to creativity, and that the effect reverses for creativity in the form of convergent thinking, which is driven primarily by cognitive persistence. This research shows that self-control exertion, a common behavior among consumers and employees, has systematic and nuanced consequences for their performance in activities that require creativity. The findings have important practical implications for how to promote creativity in consumption, at work, and in everyday life.
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