GSUA 2021线上研讨会
时间: 2021年9月17日 15:00-18:20
Zoom Meeting ID: 814 4806 9704 Passcode: 825257
1)报告题目:PLM and knowledge integration for decision making systems
报告人:Alain Bernard
报告人简介:Alain Bernard教授现任法国南特中央理工大学教授、法兰西工程院院士,是欧洲享誉世界的知名科学家,他长期从事制造工程、工业与系统工程、智能决策等领域的研究,在国际顶尖期刊发表论文数百篇。近几年所主持的欧盟地平线项目、法国科学院产业项目总经费逾6000万欧元。
报告摘要:PLM systems are supporting the management of the product information lifecycle. The main challenge is to rely on models and methods that allow managing and reusing the information contained in the PLM system. Models are mostly based on ontologies, and domain ontologies for specific applications. As a matter of fact, the most important reason of PLM creation has been to be able to share the same and coherent information at the same time within the stakeholders. But, what is useful is to organise what is representative of best practices and basic rules that could be used to accelerate the decision making process for all the stakeholders.
2)报告题目:Fault Diagnosis of Planetary Bearing in Helicopter Main Gear BoxYour
报告人:David Mba
报告人简介:David completed a PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Cranfield University, for which he was awarded the Lord King Norton Gold medal for the most outstanding doctoral thesis. His current research is focused on machine condition monitoring, machine fault diagnosis, model based prognostics and machine performance prediction. He has published over 250 journal and conference papers. In 2010, he was awarded the Ludwig Mond prize in recognition of the best contribution to the progress of Mechanical engineering of interest to the chemical industry (UK).
报告摘要:Introduce the research status and challenges of monitoring and fault diagnosis of helicopter planetary gearbox, and report the topic on the of design and collection of data from planetary gears and rolling bearing test benches.
3)报告题目:Grey Clustering of the Variations in Reverse Pyramid Boarding Method Considering Pandemic Restrictions
报告人:Camelia Delcea
报告人简介:Dr. Delcea is an active member in the area of grey systems theory, agent-based modeling and sentiment analysis. Since 2009, Dr. Delcea has obtained 25 international and national awards (“Best paper award”, “Georgescu Roegen” for excellent scientific research, “Excellent paper award”, “Top reviewers”, etc.). Currently she serves as Editorial Board Member for Grey Systems: Theory and Application and she is Associate Editor for IEEE Access, Plos One and Advances in Civil Engineering.
报告摘要:The occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly hit the airline industry mostly due to the reduced number of flights between regions, the implementation of different protocols and the reluctance of the passengers to travel by airplane. This presentation will report the study on how to determining which variations can be used when the airplane boarding process is made through the front door of the airplane.
4)报告题目:The grey expert evaluation method and its applications
报告人:Rafał Mierzwiak
报告人简介:Graduated from the School of Management and Marketing, Poznan University of Technology, Poland. During his career, he focused on implementing professional quality systems, innovative heuristic techniques and management methods in the company. He has extensive experience in branches such as production, construction, food industry, finance and IT. Currently, he is a marketing and economic assistant at Poznan University of Technology and a lecturer at WSB Banking University.
报告摘要:The presentation the grey expert evaluation method and its applications.
5)报告题目:Grey Exponential Smoothing and Sentiment Classification Approach for Stock Prediction Using Big Data Analytics: A Case Study on Colombo Stock Exchange, Sri Lanka
报告人:R.M.K.T. Rathnayaka
报告人简介:Prof. (Dr.) R.M.K.T. Rathnayake is a professor in Statistics at Sabaragamuwa university of Sri Lanka. His research interest are Grey systems theory, financial mathematics, Time Series Modelling and Data Mining and Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, Business Models, Machine learning and Multi objective Combinatorial optimization.
报告摘要:The study on grey exponential smoothing and sentiment classification approach for stock prediction using big data analytics: a case study on Colombo stock exchange, Sri Lanka.
6)报告题目:Evaluation of Success Factors in implementing Enterprise Resource
Planning System in Universities using Grey DEMATEL Techniques in uncertainty environment
报告人:Davood Darvishi
报告人简介:Graduated from University of Mazandaran Grey system theory, His research interests include Grey programming, Fuzzy mathematical, Operations research, uncertainty.
报告摘要:Key factors of success in implementing enterprise resource planning projects in higher education institutions will be reported.
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