主题:2019 Cuiping International workshop on Renewable Energy
主持人:周德群、王群伟、查冬兰、Gregory F. Nemet
How Solar Energy Became Cheap: A Model for Low-Carbon Innovation.
Gregory F. Nemet, University of Wisconsin-Madison
On the role of solar PV in a sustainable energy system—a global-local view. Christian Breyer, LUT School of Energy Systems
Lessons learned? Central-local relations and industrial policy for clean energy sectors.
Jonas Nahm, Johns Hopkins University
Drivers of stagnating global carbon intensity of electricity and the way forward. Bin Su, National University of Singapore
Policy Instruments in Support of China’s Clean Heating Transition.
Jinlei Feng, International Renewable Energy Agency
Appliance energy labels and consumer heterogeneity: A latent class approach based on a discrete choice experiment in China.
Donglan Zha, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Financing Renewable Energies in the Age of Falling Technology Costs.
Nils May, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin)
Quantify water footprint of hydrogen from water electrolysis: A case study of Australia.
Xunpeng Shi, University of Technology Sydney
Renewable energy in India - Paths taken and not.
Ambuj Sagar, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Technological, Behavioral and Policy Insights on Low-carbon Electricity Transition in China.
Huibin Du, Tianjin University
The Context-Dependent Total-factor Energy Efficiency (CD-TFEE) of Taiwan’s Regions.
Jin-Li Hu, National Chiao Tung University
Renewable energy consumption-income nexus under value added trade.
Shih-Mo Lin,Chung Yuan Christian University
Biomass energy utilization in China: Status and challenges.
Changbo Wang, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Prof. Gregory F. Nemet
Gregory Nemet is a Professor at the University of Wisconsin–Madison's La Follette School of Public Affairs. His research and teaching focus research focuses on understanding the process of technological change and the ways in which public policy can affect it. He teaches courses in energy systems analysis, policy analysis, and international environmental policy. Professor Nemet's research analyzes the process of technological change in energy and its interactions with public policy. He previously led the Energy Analysis and Policy Certificate program.
Prof. Christian Breyer
Christian Breyer is a Professor for Solar Economy at Lappeenranta University of Technology. His major expertise is the integrated research of technological and economic characteristics of renewable energy systems specialising in energy system modeling, 100% renewable energy scenarios and hybrid energy solutions, on a local but also global scale. Mr Breyer has been managing director of the Reiner Lemoine Institute, Berlin, focused on renewable energy research and worked previously several years for Q-Cells (now: Hanwha Q.Cells) a world market leader in the photovoltaic (PV) industry in the R&D and market development department.
Assistant Prof. Jonas Nahm
Jonas' research interests focus on the intersection of economic and industrial policy, energy policy, and environmental politics. In particular, he studies the role of the state in processes of industrial restructuring that accompany responses to climate change and clean energy transitions more broadly. His work utilizes clean energy transitions in China, Germany, and the United States to engage two debates in comparative political economy: (1) the role of the state in shaping the international division of labor in highly globalized industries, and (2) sources of state capacity in interest group politics during periods of industrial restructuring.
查冬兰,现任tyc3556太阳集团城网址教授,主要研究领域为能源经济与环境管理,迄今为止主持国家自然科学基金(青年&面上)、国家自然科学基金重点项目(子课题3)、教育部博士点基金等课题。在《Energy Economics》、《Energy Policy》、《Applied Energy》等国内外刊物发表学术论文四十多篇,出版专著《中国能源效率研究》、《中国能源效率回弹效应研究》、《能源与非能源替代战略研究》三部。入选江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才、江苏高校“青蓝工程”、江苏省第五期“333工程”、江苏省社科优青。
Senior Research Associate Niles May
Nils May is a PostDoc research associate in the DIW's Climate Policy department. He analyses renewable energy investments and how support policies on the one hand and industry sourcing renewables on the other hand can work to together to enable rapid and cost-effective investments. Both at a European as well as a global level, Nils looks at how national and international climate finance can support decarbonization efforts. In his PhD, he analyzed the financing and integration of renewable energies as well as optimal policy design.
Senior Research Fellow Dr. Su Bin
Dr Su is currently Programme Director of the Consortium for “Study on Singapore’s Energy and Decarbonization Pathways” funded by National Research Foundation and National Climate Change Secretariat, Singapore. He is now leading the energy modelling programme in the institute, and actively involved in many energy modelling related projects commissioned by government agencies. His main research interest is energy and environmental systems modeling and analysis, with particular emphasis on energy efficiency, climate change, benchmarking, embodied energy and emissions, carbon footprint, carbon pricing, emissions trading and rebound effect.
Programme Officer Jinlei Feng
Mr FENG is the Programme Officer at Knowledge, Policy and Finance Centre of International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). His research work has focused on topics of renewable energy in cities, heating and cooling policies, and carbon pricing policies for the global energy transition. He is one of the main authors of ICLEI-GIZ-IRENA’s joint case studies on “Scaling up renewables in cities: Opportunities for municipal governments” and one of the authors of IRENA’s report on “Global energy transformation: A roadmap to 2050 (2019 edition)”.
Principal Research Fellow Dr. Xunpeng Shi
Dr. Shi is a Principal Research Fellow at the Australia-China Relations Institute, University of Technology Sydney and an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the Energy Studies Institute (ESI), National University of Singapore. He is also serving as President of the Chinese Economics Society Australia (CESA) and an Associate Editor of Journal of Modelling in Management. He is active in the East Asia’s energy community, and a frequent speaker on China, ASEAN and East Asia energy issues.
Prof. Ambuj Sagar
Professor Ambuj Sagar interests broadly lie in science and technology policy, environmental policy, and development policy, with a particular focus on the interactions between technology and society. While his current research focuses mainly on energy innovation and climate policy, he also studies, more widely, various facets of technology innovation, environmental politics and processes, and engineering education and research. He is a member of the U.S.-India Track II Dialogue on Climate and Energy, the Indo-German Expert Group on a Green and Inclusive Economy, and the board of the United States-India Educational Foundation
杜慧滨,现任天津大学经济与管理学部公共管理研究所教授,主要研究领域为能源环境政策与管理、低碳经济与管理、气候变化、可持续发展等。迄今作为负责人主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、省部级项目3项,以及国家发改委、能源局、国家电网企业等政策咨询课题10余项;作为研究骨干参与国家自然科学基金重点项目,国家社会科学基金重大项目,国家科技支撑项目,教育部高校科技“十三五”规划创新引领重大专项战略研究项目(资源环境领域)等10余项。在TRA, Water Research, Energy Policy, Applied Energy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review, Energy Efficiency等国外学术期刊发表论文20余篇。
胡均立(Jin-Li Hu),现任台湾交通大学经营管理研究所教授,主要研究专长为效率、能源政策、观光经济、金融市场、中国经济等。截至2019年7月,胡均立教授已在多本学术期刊上发表了203篇论文,其中包括63篇SSCI、27 篇SCI、19篇Scopus、9篇TSSCI、9篇EV2、4篇THCI和2篇CSSCI期刊论文,包括Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Journal of Banking & Finance, Journal of Institutional & Theoretical Economics, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Energy Policy, Applied Energy, Energy Economics等。2019年胡均立教授被经济学术网站(IDEAS)列入全球Top 5% 经济学者。
林师模(Shih-Mo Lin), 现任台湾中原大学特聘教授兼商学院应用经济模型研究中心主任,获得美国西维吉尼亚大学能源及资源经济学博士学位。主要教学及研究领域是计量方法、多变量分析、经济模型、商业及经济预测、能源经济、产业经济分析等。曾主持台湾能源局、环保署、核能研究所、工研院、水利署、台电等机构资助课题多项。目前正在整合过去研究经验及成果,以致力于能源安全分析、新能源及可再生能源等绿色产业的经济及产业分析。
王长波,现任tyc3556太阳集团城网址讲师,2016年获得北京师范大学环境学院工学博士学位以及北京市优秀毕业生称号,2018-2019年悉尼大学访问学者。主要的研究方向是能源环境与经济、新能源政策分析、投入产出分析、生命周期评价。在Energy Policy、Energy、Renewable Energy等能源类期刊发表论文10余篇。正主持国家自然科学基金青年项目“我国典型生物质能源化利用的资源环境效益研究”。
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