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时间:2018-11-13作者: 审核: 来源:经济管理学院点击:621

Title:Regionalized Care on Inter-hospital Transfer of Heart Attack Patients

(Empirical and data analytics)


Krannert School of ManagementPurdue University


Time:2018年11月14日 16:00-18:00


We empirically investigate the pattern of where heart attack patients are transferred between hospitals. Using 2011 Florida State Emergency Department and Inpatient Databases, we demonstrate the relative importance of three key factors in determining transfer destinations: hospital relationship, distance, and quality. Our conditional logit analysis shows that the relationship of being affiliated with the same multihospital system plays a dominant role in the choice of transfer destinations, compared to distance and quality. This result is robust to three alternative specifications of choice sets using distance ranking, radius circles, and Hospital Referral Regions. When using 30-day readmission rate to evaluate the health outcome of transferred patients, we find that relationship-based transfers are associated with a much higher readmission rate than distance-based and quality-based transfers. We also find that nonprofit hospitals are more likely to conduct quality-based transfers than their for-profit counterparts. Our study calls for a reevaluation of current practice in interhospital transfer of heart attack patients—a change of protocol for selecting transfer destinations may significantly decrease hospital readmission rates.


SUSAN FENG LU 教授于北京大学获得经济与国际关系学士学位,及经济学硕士学位,于美国西北大学获得管理经济学与战略(Managerial Economics and Strategy, MEDS)博士学位。现任普渡大学克兰纳特管理学院管理学助理/终身副教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向有:医疗管理与分析:员工管理,质量管理,机器学习、非盈利组织管理、创新:技术更新,科学生产等等。她在学习及工作期间在顶级国际刊物及学术会刊上发表数十篇论文,部分论文刊登于Science, Review of Economics and Statistics, Management Science, Nature Scientific Reports, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, World Development, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Health Economics, American Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, American Economic Review及American Journal of Medicine等刊物。




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