Title: From Cleaner Production to Sustainable Smart Manufacturing
Time:2018-05-21 10:00
The seminar will cover several parts:
A brief introduction about my university, my team and ongoing projects.
What is cleaner production and why?
Sustainable smart manufacturing: current reality and future prospects for cleaner production, especially highlighting the real world challenges and future research directions.
Questions and discussion.
My CV:
Yang Liu, M.Sc. (Tech.) in Telecommunications Engineering and D.Sc. (Tech.) in Industrial Management, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor. He currently works as a tenured Associate Professor and Doctoral Supervisor in the Department of Management and Engineering at Linköping University (Sweden), a part-time faculty in the Department of Production at University of Vaasa (Finland), and a Chair Professor at Jinan University (China). Meanwhile, he is appointed Adjunct/Visiting Professor in multiple other universities. He has published over 80 scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals. He serves as an Editorial Board Member and Managing Guest Editor of the prestigious Journal of Cleaner Production (Impact Factor 2016: 5.715) as well as referee in over 20 SCI leading journals and external reviewer for NSERC of Canada. His publications have appeared in a number of distinguished journals, and some ranked as top 0.1% ESI Hot Papers and top 1% ESI Highly Cited Papers. His main research interests include smart manufacturing, product service innovation, decision support system, sustainable competitive advantage; control systems, autonomous robots, signal processing and pattern recognition.
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